My journey towards fastai..

Let me tell you something, I was studying machine learning and deep learning for 7 month.

In this journey, Whatever i learned it gives me the feeling of emptyness. During the journey, I came across Fastai which is an high level api built on top of the Pytorch. 

Many times , I started and end up of not completing the course due to various reason but this time, I was so commited to complete it.

I don't want to write this blog for an expert in Fastai or an deep learning expert. This is for the person who are one steps behind me. I will be sharing my experience may be you may face in the journey. This is an Introduction, So i dont want to dump anything which myself feels annoying for the begginers.

Speaking from the experience people in the fastai forum is really amazing whatever the doubt you may come across there is always some one to help you in the journey.

I begin my deeplearning journey with various online courses dumping the knowledge without knowing what and how they actually used. For example, Whatever I learned in tensorflow for 3 month Jeremy break that in 2 lectures with a few lines of codes. During that time, I said to myself for this much time you just scratch the surface of deeplearning.

Simple classification problem using fastai - You don't need to understand any of these codes, just go through it. In the upcoming coming blog, I will be sharing my experience.
